Malaysia Impact Alliance

Catalysing Malaysia’s impact investment ecosystem

Driving insightful awareness & practical action for system change.

We are an independent, non-profit organisation aiming to contribute to the growth and development of the impact investing ecosystem in Malaysia. Malaysia Impact Alliance (MYImpact) is a national partner of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment.

Towards an impact economy with investors and entrepreneurs aligned to contribute to positive socio-economic & environmental outcomes.

GSG Impact, active in over 50 countries, works to progress the transformation of global financial systems, so that every investment, business and government spending decision takes into account impact, as well as risk and return.

Malaysia Impact Alliance

Supporting & Developing the Impact Economy

The 5 pillars of a successful impact economy.
A thriving impact economy depends upon five important pillars driving impact: demand for capital, supply of capital, intermediaries, ecosystem enablers and government.


Demand for Impact Capital

Supply of Capital

Financial Intermediaries

Ecosystem Enablers

Malaysia Impact Alliance

Towards an impact economy with investors and entrepreneurs aligned to contribute to positive socio-economic & environmental outcomes.



Media & Publications

With its continued focus on climate, this year’s report arrives at a pivotal moment in global efforts to combat climate change and achieve the Sustainable [more]…


Join us at MYImpact & partner events happening locally and regionally

Webinar Business Coaching

Online Industrial Talk

External Examiner Virtual Visit